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Čo znamená certifikácia BDIH pre prírodnú kozmetiku?

V čase, keď sa udržateľnosť a uvedomelá spotreba stávajú čoraz dôležitejšími, sa chcete uistiť, že produkty, ktoré používate, nie sú dobré len pre vašu pokožku, ale aj pre životné prostredie. Ako však zistíte, či je kozmetický výrobok skutočne prírodný a šetrný k životnému prostrediu? Tu vstupuje do hry certifikácia BDIH – pečať kvality, ktorej môžete dôverovať.

What is the BDIH?

The BDIH (Federal Association of Industrial and Commercial Companies) is a German association that has existed since 1951 and has established strict guidelines for the production of natural cosmetics. With its certificate, the BDIH guarantees that a product actually meets the high standards of genuine natural cosmetics.

Why should you pay attention to the BDIH seal?

As a conscious consumer, you want to ensure that the products you use care for your skin naturally while protecting the environment. The BDIH certification gives you exactly this assurance.
When you buy a product with the BDIH seal, you can be sure that:

  • Your skin is cared for naturally : Without synthetic additives, your skin only comes into contact with the best natural ingredients.
  • You protect the environment : The raw materials come from controlled cultivation and the production is environmentally friendly.
  • You are making a contribution to animal welfare : Products with the BDIH seal are not tested on animals.

A decision for you and the environment!

Choosing natural cosmetics with BDIH certification is not just a decision for your skin. It is a decision for a conscious and responsible lifestyle. Look for the BDIH seal the next time you buy natural cosmetics - and treat yourself and the environment to the best.

Bezlepková certifikovaná prírodná kozmetika

Bezpečnosť a starostlivosť o citlivú pokožku
V dnešnom svete, v ktorom čoraz viac ľudí dbá na uvedomelý životný štýl, je problematika lepku v kozmetických výrobkoch čoraz aktuálnejšia. U ľudí s celiakiou alebo intoleranciou lepku môže kontakt s výrobkami obsahujúcimi lepok vyvolať nepríjemné reakcie aj pri lokálnej aplikácii. To je dôvod, prečo je bezlepková certifikovaná prírodná kozmetika čoraz obľúbenejšia. Ale čo to presne znamená a prečo by vás to malo zaujímať?

What is gluten-free certified natural cosmetics?

Gluten-free, certified natural cosmetics guarantee that no gluten-containing ingredients are used in their production. Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley and spelt. Many cosmetic products, especially those containing wheat germ oil, oat extracts or certain thickeners, can contain gluten.

For people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it is important to pay attention to these hidden sources to avoid unpleasant skin reactions, redness or itching. Gluten-free natural cosmetics ensure that you can care for your skin in a soothing and safe way.

Why is gluten-free natural cosmetics important to you?

Even if you do not have a diagnosed gluten intolerance, you can still benefit from gluten-free natural cosmetics, especially if you have sensitive skin. Using such products minimizes the risk of skin irritation while offering all the benefits that natural cosmetics bring:

  • Natural ingredients : Gluten-free natural cosmetic products consist of plant-based ingredients that are gently processed and do not contain any synthetic additives.
  • Safety and transparency : Products certified as gluten-free are subject to strict controls and guarantee you high quality. You can be sure that these products do not contain any unwanted traces of gluten.
  • Gentle care : It is especially important to use care products that are non-irritating for sensitive skin or skin that is prone to allergies. Gluten-free natural cosmetics are designed to care for your skin gently without putting unnecessary strain on it.

Gluten-free natural cosmetics for your skin health.

Gluten-free, certified natural cosmetics offer you the opportunity to care for your skin with the best natural ingredients without the risk of gluten contact. Whether you have a gluten intolerance or simply rely on gentle and safe care products - with gluten-free natural cosmetics you are doing something good for yourself and your skin.